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BookWidgets - Try it and you'll adopt it!

Recently, I've had the opportunity to discover a new digital tool: BookWidgets.

I've been experimenting it in my classes for 6 months now and I'm sure it can really improve our teaching practice and our students' learning skills.

I'm now fully convinced that combining neuroeducation with EdTech in the classroom can help us to deal with classroom challenges such as heterogeneous student groups, attention, discipline, motivation,...

Even if I have tested plenty of other teaching/learning apps, BookWidgets is the one I prefer for several reasons:

- It's user-friendly. You don't need to be an IT expert to use it.

- It's very flexible. You don't have to change all your handouts at once. You can progressively add widgets to your own teaching materials.

- It's a fantastic collaborative tool. You can share your widgets with the BookWidgets community worldwide or get inspiration and adapt activities shared by other teachers. - It's addictive. Once you've tried it, you can't stop creating new widgets for your students' wellbeing and yours. - It's affordable. You can test it freely during one month and after choose the subscription rate that best suits you.

Personnally, it's the best digital tool I've found so far to motivate all my students (with or without learning disabilities), to allow them to work at their own pace, to give them personnalized feedback and to follow their progress in realtime.

Above all, it's fully compatible with the other platforms I use every day:

- Canva to prepare my classroom visuals according to basic cognitive neuroscience discoveries.

- Microsoft Teams for Education to provide my students with personnalized activities and feedback.

As I can never rely on an efficient internet connection in the classroom, it's of utmost importance to me. Here is an example of a lesson that combines BookWidgets with Canva to help students to learn basics about how their brain can work: How intelligent are you?

Let's think out of the box together!

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