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My profile out of the box
How to find my place at school when you feel 'different' and'misunderstood'?
Who am I? What are my strengths and my weaknesses?
How can I use my strengths for myself, my loved ones, my students?
How to progress in relation to my weaknesses for me, my loved ones, my students?
This was the starting postulate.
Today, I accept my difference. I know my strengths and I know how to exploit them. I know my weaknesses and I work on them every day.
It took me over 40 years to discover that I was 'atypical', 'neurodivergent' or a 'zebra' as they like to call us in French.
For more than 10 years now, I have been experimenting tons of educational tools in my classes and at home. Because yes, the apple never falls far from the tree...
Today I want to share these tools and best practices in all benevolence so that school no longer rhymes with suffering when one is 'different'.
And if Socrates had already understood everything with his Maieutics.
50 years to give birth is a long time. What suffering! But what a satisfaction today. As Socrates probably discovered one fine day on the frontispiece of the Temple of the Pythia at Delphi:
Know yourself and you will know the universe and the gods.
- the origin of the project name
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